
Hello my name is Mike Nolan, and this is my Namecheap self hosted website.
And yes if you were wondering, I do this for fun.
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Genesis 1:26

PRAY FOR TRUMP (the devil tried to assassinate him)

Section 12.01 is evil, here's some hope
Louis Rossmans Video (Archived)

Lets Go Brandon

There ARE only TWO genders (Genesis 5:2)

The 2020 Election was Stolen Proof 01

Don't Get Vaxed Watch this

WEF is Evil

General Milly Is A Male (and a Piece of shit)

Stop Getting Abortions (Video)

Become Straight

Get Married, stop having sex before Marrage

Download YouTube Videos or whatever you can archive

Stop trafficking kids

Don't please the world, please God

God Made MAN in his own IMAGE, animals and humans are seperate. He also told us to have dominion over the animals (Read Genesis 1-11)

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